Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Bee Venom!

Hello to all of my lovely friends and followers,

Due to my love and appreciation for the eastern world skin care, I wanted talk about some ingredients that they use in their products and we might think is outrageous. Bee Venom and Snail Slime are some of the out of the ordinary ingredients used in the eastern world skin care market.

Bee venom skincare products can be considered a non invasive form of Botox. For some of us like myself who are afraid of getting botox injections then I believe it wouldn't be too bad to try these bee venom products. They are supposed to relax the facial muscles after application and reduce fine lines. In addition, they fool the body by making the body's defense to think that the face has been stung by a bee and body directs the circulation towards to areas hence promoting more collagen and elastin production.

Here is a product that has attracted a ton of attention and is being used many celebrities and even the royal family.

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