Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Korean Skin Care Regimen!

Hello everyone,

Today I want to talk about the beautiful women of Korea and their flawless skin. Did you think they have such flawless skin exclusively due genetics or diet? Well let me their beautiful skin does not come naturally. Just as we care for our teeth and we workout an we eat healthy, our skin needs care. 

Unfortunately, most women in the western countries spend up to thousands of dollars on make up to cover up issues with their skin. Isn't the purpose of make up to enhance the beauty and don't they usually say that beautiful skin doesn't need covering up? Well... This is the strategy used by the Korean women. They spend a lot of money on ensuring the health of their skin rather than covering it up. 
In the western world a typical skincare regimen includes 3-4 steps and you might be surprised to hear that Korean women's skin care regimen has something around 10 steps on average.  

Tomorrow, I will post regarding their skincare regimen and what they typically focus on when caring for their precious skin. 


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